

"@One2One, 1:1 relation
1:1 relation, 1:1 relation
1:n relation, 1:n
<array>, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
<bag>, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
<cache>, Aspects to consider
<class>, Class mapping
<collection-id>, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
<component>, Composed class in one table
<composite-element>, Composition as list of many classes
<composite-id>, Composite Id
<discriminator>, Single Table
<element>, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
<formula>, Typed relation (XML only)
<generator class="assigned">, Assigned Id
<generator class="foreign">, 1:1 relation
<generator class="native">, Generated with Auto Strategy
<hibernate-mapping>, Field mapping
<idbag>, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
<join>, 1:n, Joined Inheritance with Discriminator
<joined-subclass>, Joined Inheritance
<key-property>, Composite Id
<key>, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
<many-to-many>, m:n
<many-to-on>, 1:1 relation
<map-key-many-to-many>, 1:n:1
<map-key>, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
<map>, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side, 1:n:1
<one-to-many>, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
<one-to-one>, 1:1 relation
<parent>, Composed class in one table
<primitive-array>, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
<set>, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
<subclass>, Single Table, Joined Inheritance with Discriminator
<union-subclass>, Union Inheritance
@AttributeOverrides, Advanced details
@Basic, Mapping fields
@BatchSize, Iterating through relations – batches
@CollectionOfElements, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side, Composition as set of many classes
@CollectionTable, Composition as set of many classes
@Column, Mapping fields
@ColumnResult, SQL Resultset Mapping
@DiscriminatorColumn, Single Table
@DocumentId, Hibernate Full Text Search
@ElementCollection, Composition as set of many classes, Composition as list of many classes
@Embeddable, Mapping fields
@Embedded, Mapping fields, Composed class in one table
@EmbeddedId, Composite Id
@Entity, Annotation mapping
@Fetch, Iterating through relations – subqueries
@Field, Hibernate Full Text Search
@FieldResult, SQL Resultset Mapping
@GeneratedValue, Annotation mapping, Generated with Auto Strategy
@GenericGenerator, 1:1 relation
@Id, Annotation mapping
@IdClass, Composite Id
@IndexColumn, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side, Composition as list of many classes
@Indexed, Hibernate Full Text Search
@Inheritance, Overview on mapping approaches, Single Table
@JoinColumn, Annotation mapping, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side, 1:n
@JoinTable, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side, 1:n, m:n
@Lob, PostgreSQL
@ManyToMany, m:n
@ManyToOne, Annotation mapping
@MapKey, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
@MapKeyManyToMany, 1:n:1
@MappedSuperclass, Mapping fields, Overview on mapping approaches, Mapped Super Class
@NamedNativeQuery, Named SQL Queries
@NamedQuery, NamedQuery
@OneToMany, Annotation mapping, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side, 1:n
@OrderColumn, Composition as list of many classes
@Parent, Composed class in one table
@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn, 1:1 relation
@SequenceGenerator, Annotation mapping
@Sort, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
@SqlResultSetMapping, SQL Resultset Mapping
@Temporal, Mapping fields
@Transient, Mapping fields
@Type, PostgreSQL


access="field|property|ClassName", Other XML Id tags
addEntity, SQL to Entity
addJoin, SQL to Entity
agregation, Composition versus entity relations
AliasToBeanResultTransformer, Reporting queries
all, Class mapping
ALL, Cascading
all-delete-orphan, Cascading
Annotation mapping, Annotation mapping, Annotation mapping
application layers, Defining the application layers
assigned, Other XML Id tags
Assigned Id, Assigned Id
association, Introduction
auto-import, Field mapping


C3P0, C3P0
cache, General
cache.use_query_cache, Aspects to consider
EH cache, EH Cache
JBoss Treecache, Swarmcache
Nonstrict-read-write, Aspects to consider
OS Cache, OS Cache
query cache, Aspects to consider
Read-write, Aspects to consider
Readonly, Aspects to consider
setCacheRegion, Aspects to consider
swarm cache, Swarmcache
Transactional, Aspects to consider
cache, General
cache.use_query_cache, Aspects to consider
CascadeType.MERGE, Cascading
CascadeType.PERSIST, Cascading
Cascading, Deleting, Deleting, Cascading
"@One2One, 1:1 relation
1:1 relation, 1:1 relation
<many-to-on>, 1:1 relation
ALL, Cascading
all-delete-orphan, Cascading
delete, Cascading
delete-orphan, Cascading
evict, Cascading
lock, Cascading
MERGE, Cascading
PERSIST, Cascading
persist, Cascading
REFRESH, Cascading
refresh, Cascading
REMOVE, Cascading
replicate, Cascading
save-update, Cascading
catalog, Field mapping, Class mapping
Choosing, Overview on mapping approaches
CLOB, Lob with Oracle and PostgreSQL
component collections, Composition versus entity relations
component mapping, 1:n:1
components, Composition versus entity relations
composition, Composition versus entity relations
composition of components, Composition versus entity relations
Configuration, Create a session factory
connection pool, Built-in connection pool
createSQLQuery, Native SQL, SQL to Entity
Criteria Queries, Powerful query languages
criteria query, Criteria Queries
current_session_context_class, Annotation or XML


DAO, Best practices and DAO
DAOs with generics, Creating DAOs with generics
database driver, Database Driver
DataSourceTransactionManager, Transaction handling
date, XML mapping
default-access, Field mapping
default-cascade, Field mapping
default-lazy, Field mapping
default_batch_fetch_size, Iterating through relations – batches
delete, Cascading
delete-orphan, Cascading
Dependent lifecycle, Composition versus entity relations
dependent lifecycle, Composition versus entity relations
DerbyDialect, Other databases
detach, Additional commands
detached, The three states of objects
Detached, Updating
dialect, Annotation or XML
dirty, Class mapping
discriminator-value, Class mapping
DiscriminatorType.CHAR, Single Table
DiscriminatorType.STRING, Single Table
doWork, JDBC Connection
dynamic-insert, Class mapping
dynamic-update, Class mapping


EH cache, EH Cache
elements, Conditions on collections
em.persist, Saving
empty, Conditions on collections, Conditions on collections
entity relation, Composition versus entity relations
entity-name="EntityName", Class mapping
detach, Additional commands
em.persist, Saving
flush, Additional commands
merge, Updating
refresh, Additional commands
remove, Deleting
Equals and hashcode, Composition 1:n:1
evict, Additional commands, Cascading
explicit", Class mapping
Extended Session, Long life of a session


Generate Hibernate mappings, Generate Hibernate mappings from existing db
GenerationType.AUTO, Generated with Auto Strategy
GenerationType.IDENTITY, Other Annotation Strategies
GenerationType.SEQUENCE, Other Annotation Strategies
GenerationType.TABLE, Other Annotation Strategies
guid, Other XML Id tags


Hibernate Query Language, Powerful query languages
Hibernate Search, Hibernate Full Text Search
Hibernate types, XML mapping
hibernate.cfg.xml, Hibernate configuration
Hibernate.initialize, Lazy initialization, a Hibernate problem
HibernateTransactionManager, Transaction handling
hilo, Other XML Id tags
HQL, Powerful query languages, HQL
HSQLDialect, Other databases


identity, Other XML Id tags
implicit, Class mapping
increment, Other XML Id tags
Choosing, Overview on mapping approaches
InheritanceType.JOINED, Overview on mapping approaches, Joined Inheritance
InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE, Overview on mapping approaches, Single Table
InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS, Overview on mapping approaches, Union Inheritance
insertable, Mapping fields
inverseJoinColumns, 1:n


JBoss Treecache, Swarmcache
JBossTransactionManagerLookup, JTA transaction with a single database
JDBC transactions, JTA versus JDBC Transactions
JDBCTransactionFactory, JDBC transactions with ThreadLocal
join fetch, Iterating through relations – single query
joinColumns, 1:n
JRuby, Beam me into the code
JTA transactions, JTA versus JDBC Transactions
JTATransactionFactory, JTA transaction with a single database


lazy, Class mapping
lazy=”false”, Lazy initialization, a Hibernate problem
LazyInitializationException, Lazy initialization, a Hibernate problem
Libraries, Needed Libraries
list, Simple select
lock, Updating, Cascading
LockModeType.NONE, Additional commands
LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC, Additional commands
LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT, Additional commands
LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_READ, Additional commands
LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE, Additional commands
LockOptions.NONE, Updating
LockOptions.READ, Updating
LockOptions.UPGRADE, Updating
log4j, Configuring Log4J
Lucene, Hibernate Full Text Search


m:n relation, m:n
mappedBy, Annotation mapping
member of, Conditions on collections
merge, Updating, Updating
MERGE, Cascading
mutable, Class mapping
MySQL5Dialect, Other databases


native, Other XML Id tags
Natural Id, Natural versus Surrogate Ids
node, Other XML Id tags
none, Class mapping
Nonstrict-read-write, Aspects to consider
NonUniqueObjectException, Updating
nullable, Mapping fields


object relation mapping, Introduction to Hibernate
Open-Session-in-View, Lifetime until the view is rendered (Open-Session-in-View)
Optimistic locking, Optimistic Locking, Optimistic locking
all, Class mapping
dirty, Class mapping
none, Class mapping
version, Class mapping
OracleDialect, Other databases, Other XML Id tags
ORM, Introduction to Hibernate
OS Cache, OS Cache


package, Field mapping
PERSIST, Cascading
persist, Cascading
persistence, Introduction to Hibernate
Persistence context, Saving, Saving
persistent, The three states of objects
persister, Class mapping
Pessimistic locking, Optimistic Locking
explicit", Class mapping
implicit, Class mapping
PostgreSQLDialect, Annotation or XML
Propagation.MANDATORY, Transaction handling
Propagation.NESTED, Transaction handling
Propagation.NEVER, Transaction handling
Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED, Transaction handling
Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, Transaction handling
Propagation.SUPPORTS, Transaction handling
proxy, Class mapping


query cache, Aspects to consider
Querying components, Advanced details
QueryParser, Hibernate Full Text Search


Read-write, Aspects to consider
Readonly, Aspects to consider
Reattaching, Updating
refresh, Additional commands, Additional commands, Cascading
REFRESH, Cascading
remove, Deleting
REMOVE, Cascading
replicate, Cascading
reporting query, Reporting queries


save-update, Cascading
saveOrUpdate, Updating
scalar values, Selecting a single column (scalar values)
schema, Field mapping, Class mapping
ScrollableResults, Iterating through large resultsets
select, Other XML Id tags, Simple select
select-before-update, Class mapping
seqhilo, Other XML Id tags
sequence, Other XML Id tags
Servletfilter, Lifetime until the view is rendered (Open-Session-in-View)
buildLockRequest, Updating
Cascading, Deleting
createSQLQuery, Native SQL, SQL to Entity
doWork, JDBC Connection
evict, Additional commands
Extended Session, Long life of a session
flush, Additional commands
FlushMode, Long life of a session
lock, Updating
merge, Updating
Open-Session-in-View, Lifetime until the view is rendered (Open-Session-in-View)
refresh, Additional commands
saveOrUpdate, Updating, Saving
update, Updating
Session handling, Session and Transaction Handling
session.connection(), JDBC Connection
session.delete, Deleting
session.doWork(..), JDBC Connection, Saving
SessionFactory, Create a session factory
setCacheRegion, Aspects to consider
setFetchMode, Lazy initialization, a Hibernate problem
setResultTransformer, Lazy initialization, a Hibernate problem
Shared references, Composition versus entity relations
sort, Selecting between List, Set, Map or array to hold many side
DataSourceTransactionManager, Transaction handling
HibernateTransactionManager, Transaction handling
Propagation.MANDATORY, Transaction handling
Propagation.NESTED, Transaction handling
Propagation.NEVER, Transaction handling
Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED, Transaction handling
Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, Transaction handling
Propagation.SUPPORTS, Transaction handling
SQLServerDialect, Other databases
StaleObjectStateException, Updating
StandardAnalyzer, Hibernate Full Text Search
statistics, Analysing performance problem
Struts 1.3, Hibernate and Struts
SUBSELECT, Iterating through relations – subqueries
swarm cache, Swarmcache
SybaseDialect, Other databases


Uni-directional, Uni- and Bi-directional relations
uniqueResult, Select with a unique result
unsaved-value, Other XML Id tags
UnsupportedOperationException, Native SQL
UN_TOKENIZED, Hibernate Full Text Search
updatable, Mapping fields
update, Updating
use_sql_comments, Analysing performance problem
uuid, Other XML Id tags


version, Class mapping
Version column, Optimistic Locking
version>, Optimistic Locking


XML mapping, XML mapping
XML Mapping, XML Mapping